Christmas is in a week, but we’re still shipping same-day First Class here at Put This On headquarters, and we have some beautiful things for someone on your list, even if that someone is you. To wit:
- Our pocket squares are handmade (no sewing machine) in Los Angeles from vintage and new fabrics. You can buy them one at a time from our shop.
- Our Gentlemen’s Association offers a bimonthly square in the mail at a vanishingly small price. You can sign yourself up, and it’s also a lovely gift, which you can give right up to Christmas morning.
- You can also sign up yourself or a friend for our Inside Track. It’s a secret members-only missive published once a week, with a huge list of sales and hand-picked eBay items that you won’t find anywhere else. At a dollar a week, buy a single nice item and you’ll save the cost of the newsletter – and support us, too.
- Our two beautiful new ballcaps are perfect for almost any casual outfit. They’re made in the USA of vintage-style wool flannel, with a leather band, a satin underbrim and satin-taped seams.
We’re grateful to you for reading PTO, and for supporting us in all our endeavors. Merry Christmas!