It can be easy to fall into a wallet rut. Day in, day out, you take the same billfold out of your pocket and put it back in the next day, never changing it up. While there is something special about really working in a good piece of leather, it can be good to switch it up, and the money clip is a great way to do it.
First off, it can really help de-Costanza your wallet of all the bric-a-brac you’ve accumulated. Once you get it down to the essential cards and bills you’ll have a much easier time navigating your spending. Second, and arguably even more important, it’s a great chance for a little extra showing off. Need some more sterling silver and high design on your person? Don’t overload on pinned/clipped accessories and try something for your pocket.
You can check out our various ducat holders up in the shop under the “Metal Accessories” section. Personally a big fan of the very unsubtle dollar sign one, but for more understatement hard to beat a great piece of Tiffany silver. Check them out and get your pocket looking fresh.