We’re getting our first reports from the field of collar cards arriving at donors’ homes, narrowly beating our “early 2012” delivery promise. Season one DVDs will be coming soon – we’ve got commentaries recorded, but have to master them, finalize art and get them pressed and shipped. Expect them in six or eight weeks, if all goes according to plan (as it almost never does).
We’ve got shoot dates finalized for Season Two of the show – we’ll be shooting in New York, London and Milan in the second half January. I’ll be ably assisted by director Benjamin Ahr Harrison and producers Andrew Yamato (New York), Kristian Brodie (London) and Gianluca Migliarotti (Milan), along with Executive Producer and Jumpsuit Contributor Adam Lisagor. Once we get back to the States, Ben will get to editing, and we hope to start rolling out episodes by March or so.
We’ve had an amazing year here at Put This On. Both the blog and the series have frankly far exceeded anything I’d ever imagined. The extraordinary growth and success of this crazy venture has all been thanks to you, our audience, and I want to offer you on behalf of myself, Adam, Ben and Derek our sincerest thanks.
Hopefully we’ll continue to live up to your expectations (and ours) in 2012!