Jacob Morril writes:
I’m a teacher. What should I wear?
1. As you know, I’m not rich.
2. I’m 32.
3. I have two kids.
4. I teach physics.
I love this one. As a teacher, you have a great uniform to tap into and tweak to your heart’s content.
Here’s what I recommend:
- Some slim-fitting, flattering chinos, like the Uniqlo Vintage Chino.
- Some tasteful raw blue jeans.
- Some slim-fitting cords – J. Crew after Christmas is a great source.
- A few vintage corduroy and tweed sportcoats. You can get lovely vintage Harris and Donegal tweeds very inexpensively on Ebay. Avoid exaggerated 70s styles (super-wide lapels) and you’ll be fine.
- Plain, well-fitted white and blue oxford shirts.
- Some boots.
- Knit ties and v-neck sweaters as appropriate.
Mix at will.