Here’s something awesome.
Fashion students from around London are working on a project to document the history of tailoring on and around Savile Row. The project is being funded by the Museum of London and digital-works (an arts and education charity organization). With their support, these students have interviewed twenty-five people from various aspects of the trade. The goal is to “celebrate the history and skills of the men and women in the industry with candid stories of pride and hardship, working conditions, conflict and camaraderie, and brushes with the famous and powerful.” Unlike other projects that try to do the same, this one puts tailors at the center of this history, rather than famous clients and/ or big, faceless firms.
At the moment, they have a bunch of interviews on the website that you can listen to. They also have some short film clips of clothes being made (no flash or glamour, just tailors working). In June of this year, a full film will also be available on the site.
(via Anda Rowland of Anderson & Sheppard)