After my disaster in Malmo, Sweden, my friend Eskar and I retreated to his quiet Copenhagen neighborhood, Osterbro. As we exited the train, he turned to me: “We have some time before dinner. Do you want to see the Little Mermaid, or do you want to go to another shop?”
I thought about his question for a moment. “Is the Little Mermaid anything, or is it just a tourist trap?”
“It’s not really anything.”
“Then let’s go to a shop!”
By the time we made it to Goods, the gate was half-shut, though the lights were on. Still bummed from our failed trip to Tres Bien Shop, we cracked the door. Eskar leaned in and quickly, in Danish, begged for admittance. The response from the shopman couldn’t have been more positive.
Goods is a lovely little shop with a selection of goods from around the world. There’s a nice mix of Japanese-style hyper-utilitarian stuff, heritage-oriented stuff, and more modernist Scandinavian styles. Eskar tried on a coat, and I gravitated towards a two-pack of white t-shirts from Garbstore. The service was informative and pleasant, and we had a nice chat about some of the books and magazines the store sells. After the disappointement at TBS, friendly help in extraordinary circumstances was a real breath of fresh air.