Smell that? Spring is in the air. As the sunshine peeks from behind clouds and you enjoy a nice picnic inevitably will come the day the mercury starts is yearly climb to the tippy top of your thermometer. Best to meet the sun halfway and start shedding your various somber cold weather clothes and try some big, bright fun for the upcoming summer.
A lot of guys feel safer dressing in more muted tones- grey, navy, etc- so as not to draw too much attention to their efforts, preferring looking good without announcing anything. But when it’s shiny outside, maybe you have a summer wedding or two, and the heat makes you a little less serious it’s good to inject your wardrobe with reds, pinks, and yellows or any other mood elevating hues you may like.
We have some bright goodness in the shop, so check out the ways small (cufflinks) or large (dope Chimayo vest) that you can throw some color into your closet.