Found on eBay this week is a pair of suede Crockett and Jones oxfords called the Belgrave. I have a pair of these in my closet and they’re some of my favorite shoes. The suede helps tone down the formality of the oxford, while the asymmetrical, slightly chiseled toe last and closed lacing design makes the foot look quite sharp. This is one of those oxfords you can wear with odd trousers and a sport coat, or a full suit altogether.
You can find more good auctions using our search links for high-end suits, good suits, high-quality shirts and fine footwear. Just use eBay’s filters to narrow your searches to an even more manageable size.
- Charvet shirts, various sizes
- Turnbull & Asser red striped shirt, 15.5
- Ralph Lauren and Turnbull & Asser shirts, 15.5
- Thresher and Glenny striped shirt, 15.5
- Engineered Garments popover, M
- Billy Reid denim shirt, M
- A shirt for when you’re Live at the BBQ, XL
- Levis 1947 501XX, 33
- Ralph Lauren navy chinos, 34
- Converse All Stars, various sizes
- Brooks Brothers shortwings, 7.5
- Crockett & Jones suede oxfords, 9 (same as picture above, but used)
- John Lobb black oxfords, 9
- Poulsen Skone & Co suede shoes, 9.5
- Crockett & Jones shortwings, 9.5
- Edward Green brown tassel loafers, 9.5
- Brooks formal pumps, 10C
- New and Lingwood black loafers, 10
- Run of the Mill chukkas, 11
- Hanover shell longwings, 13
- Allen Edmonds chukkas, 13
- Doggie doorstop
- Classroom pulldown poster
- Borsalino felt hat, 7
- Lock & Co felt hat, 7 ½
- Steamer trunk
- Shoe horn
- Oxhorn shoehorns (1, 2)
- A shoehorn with a brush
- A shoehorn with a little man
- Fox umbrella
- Corkscrew
- Edward Green black belt, 30
- Kent clothes brush
- Paul Stuart casual summer belts, 36 and 42
- Lot of braces
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(Photo above by NOBD)