Some really great items today. I particularly like the Drakes navy knit tie, Tiffany corkscrew, and Barbour International. If you think that Barbour is too beat up, you should check out how great Voxsartoria looks in a c.1954 Belstaff Trialmaster.
We also have two sellers selling Superga 1705s and 2750s. The 1705s are actually what’s pictured in my shoe post yesterday, and I find myself wearing them all the time – chinos with madras shirts, sometimes a light jacket. They’re great for casual summer afternoons. Note, however, that depending on where you live, Oi Polloi is selling the 1705s for slightly cheaper.
Also, just a reminder, if you’re in New York City, check out my friend’s moving sale. You can buy some great clothes at an incredible discount, eat some delicious food at Savore, and call it a good day.
For more eBay deals, use our custom search links for high-end suits, good suits, high-quality shirts and fine footwear.
- John Lobb wallet
- SAB folio
- Mulholland Bros. bag
- Billykirk bags (1, 2)
- Filson 256 and 257
- Green Ralph Lauren wallet
- Some folk art
- Brooks PJs, L
- Camel clock
- Mackie mixer (Jesse used one of these to run his show for five years)
- Corkscrew
- Paul Stuart blue woven belt, 36
- Randolph Engineering sunglasses, size?
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