There are some nice shoes in today’s roundup, such as these J.M. Weston Chelsea boots and Ralph Lauren shell cordovan shortwings. I also own a pair of these Crockett & Jones chukkas and wear them all the time in the fall and spring seasons. They go well with everything from casual coats to tailored jackets. (Note, the seller’s photos make them look more pointy than they actually are; they’re reasonably conservative).
As usual, we also have customized search links if you’d like to find more auctions. They’ve been made so you can quickly hone in on high-end suits, good suits, high-quality shirts and fine footwear.
- Ralph Lauren shell cordovan shortwings, multiple sizes
- Foster & Son suede cap toes, 8
- Ralph Lauren suede chukkas, 8
- J.M. Weston Chelsea boots, 8.5
- John Lobb boots, 8.5
- Alden shell cordovan plain toe boots, 9
- Allen Edmonds shell cordovan penny loafers, 9EE
- Crockett & Jones suede penny loafers, 9 (1, 2)
- Red Wing work boots, 9
- Converse boots, 9.5
- Crockett & Jones chukkas, 10
- Allen Edmonds shell cordovan longwings, 10.5
- Carmina single monkstraps, 10.5
- Vass shortwings, 10.5
- Quoddy suede moc toe chukkas, 11
- Blue leaves scarf
- Hermes travel case for shoes
- Paisley pocket square
- Vintage jean belt, size?
- Solid white cotton pocket squares
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