We found some nice deals today on a Belstaff Roadmaster, brown cashmere tie, and pair of shell cordovan wingtips. The seller of the wingtips has terrible photos, but you can see better pictures here. Those are new, but they’re of the same model.
If you’d like to find more good auctions, use our customized eBay search links for high-end suits, good suits, high-quality shirts and fine footwear. They’ll help you cut through most of the chaff.
- Woolrich Woolen Mills “fun shirt,” M
- Turnbull and Asser blue shirts, 16 (1, 2, 3)
- Neimann Marcus blue pants, 40
- Vass shoes, various sizes
- Allen Edmonds double monks, 8.5
- Edward Green wingtips, 8.5 (pictured above)
- Church suede chukkas, 9
- Florsheim shell plain toe derbys, 9.5
- Allen Edmonds boots, 9.5
- Allen Edmonds semi-brogues, 10
- Grenson pebble grained chukkas, 10
- Ralph Lauren shell wingtips, 10
- Alden shell wingtips, 10
- Edward Green crocodile Dovers, 12
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