I know I’m not going to find wall of espadrilles anywhere here in the States, but is there a decent source for them? It would seem like someone would be importing them and selling them online at commodity prices – you know, twenty, thirty bucks. Anybody wanna suggest a source? This British site offers a good range at about $40 shipped to the US, but going all the way there seems a bit much, right?
Edit: TBTYH from Suits+Boots points out that Urban Outfitters has some for $14, which is about what you should be spending on these things. And another twitterer who’s actually bought them recommends the basic ones from Espadrillesetc.com, which are $26. (Trivia: Suited & Booted was a name we considered for Put This On.) And one more suggestion, from the good folks at To The Manner Born: ropeysoles.com. Looks like it might be the best bet of the bunch, with some pretty styles and a total cost (including shipping) of about $28.