If you didn’t already have a million reasons to attend StyleForum’s 10th Anniversary Party, let me add another to the list. Many of the vendors will be giving away door prizes, and they’re not skimpy ones either. Fok over at StyleForum just gave me a run down of what will be given away. They include:
- LeatherSoul: A $500 gift certificate
- Mytailor.com: Two $100 gift certificates
- Taylor Stitch: A $150 custom shirt certificate
- Brooklyn Circus: A $650 varsity jacket
- Jack/Knife: One pair of custom jeans
- A Suitable Wardrobe: A 100 ml bottle of Timbuktu (I own a bottle, and it’s one of my favorite fragrances)
- The Hanger Project: Two Hanger Project Luxury Hanger Starter Sets (one suit hanger, five shirt hangers, and five trouser hangers)
- Epaulet: Undetermined, but Mike over at the store said it will be something good
There will be jars for business cards (or slips of paper with your name, phone number, and email) at each participating vendor, and you can put your entry in for whatever raffle you’d like. That way, you get to see what you might be getting.
The giveaways and party are on May 5th, but there’s also the movie and dinner on May 4th. Don’t miss out!