
October 15, 2012


If you’re a fan of my work outside Put This On, today’s a big day. See below, from my personal Tumblr.


Today is #MaxFunDay!

I’m proud to be the owner of MaximumFun.org. Our shows are owned by their creators, given to all without restriction, and supported by folks like you, who pay for them voluntarily. Your support helps us grow and refine our shows, pay our people and turn down gross ads.

Today, we’re launching our first ever one-day pledge drive, #MaxFunDay. Our goal is 1000 new donors, so we can pay all of our podcasters, and especially the new shows we’ve added to the network in the last year. We’ve got a ton of bonus episodes that are just for donors. In addition, for every new donor at the $10/month, we’re helping the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank give 20 meals to people in need this winter.

Most of our hosts are participating in video chats and Reddit AMAs today, and we’ll be tweeting, Tumbling and Facebooking up a storm. All the info is at http://www.maximumfun.org/maxfunday.

If you’re not a donor, please give. If you are, please help spread the word. Tag your tweets #MaxFunDay, your Tumblr posts MaxFunDay, and share maximumfun.org/maxfunday on Facebook. It makes an enormous difference.