For those not in the know, we owe a lot of menswear’s favorite pieces to various militaries of the world. Peacoat? British navy. Desert boots? The Foreign Legion. Trench coat? For the, y’know, trenches. Military style has ebbed and flowed in the major fashion movements, from the hippies repurposing army surplus gear into anti-war emblems to the ubiquity of camo print a few years back, but the hardwearing, practical, and lean items always have utility. And vintage ones look pretty cool, too.
Check out the shop for a few select military items we’ve picked up. Sure there are ever-favorite jackets, but don’t sleep on the bags and jewelry, like this super dope sterling silver USAAF bracelet. They’re all from different eras so take a look around and see which piece of military history speaks most to you. Hoo rah.