Mister Crew found a strange comic this morning as he was trying to find online photos of Steed jackets (Steed being a bespoke tailor in the UK – a tailor that I use, but is worn much more famously by Voxsartoria).
In case you can’t read the conversation:
Cybernaut: “I need complete freedom of motion, especially in the arms.”
Tailor: “It’s what we’re known for, sir. Our signature cut of a small armhole and a big sleeve is very, very comfortable.”
Cybernaut: “I haven’t got nerves. Comfort is not my concern. It’s movement. I can’t need a new suit every time I break down a door.”
Tailor: “The cut worked out for Fred Astaire, sir. I’m confident it will present no problems.”
(Next page) Cybernaut: “You mind?” *whacks table* “Hm, you’re right. I felt no resistance whatsoever. And the jacket is still in fine shape.”
Tailor: “Of course, sir.”
Cybernaut: “You know, when we’re finished here I’d like to go ahead and select fabric for a couple more just like it.”
Tailor: “My pleasure.”
Strangely, the cybernaut seems to not be the only one who poses like a robot when wearing Steed.