A while ago, as part of my Summer series, I wrote about Orlebar Brown swim shorts. I’ve been talking to one of their reps over email and we’ve decided to do a giveaway for one of their navy Bulldog swimming trunks. They’ll also throw in a t-shirt (either v-neck or crew, and you pick the color you want).
To enter, just email me at mrderekguy@gmail.com by the end of today (Monday, May 30th, midnight PST). I will put your name into R (statisticians represent!), and select a winner in a truly random method. I’ll then put the winner in contact with Orlebar Brown by the end of the week, so that he or she can tell the company what size they need and where to send the prize. Note, however, that if Orlebar Brown is out of your size, they’ll provide the nearest suitable fit/ style. Beggers can be choosers, but sometimes your choice isn’t in the inventory and that’s not OB’s fault.
As an aside, they’ve also launched a new collection since my swim trunks round up. It includes some new shirt jackets, shirts, and city shorts, and I think it looks pretty nice. Check it out at their website.
Addendum: Your name will not be added to any email list or sold to any company. It stays in my personal Gmail account, and at the end of the contest, deleted. I don’t play marketing games with people’s personal info, because I hate that myself.
Oh, and this won’t affect your chances of winning at all, but if you have any feedback for PTO or ideas for new stories, I’d love to read them.