We’re only able to do Put This On thanks to our sponsors. So, twice a month, we like to give them a special shoutout. It allows us to show our appreciation, as well as say something about what’s going on with them.
The Hanger Project just opened a special made-to-order glove program with Lavabre Cadet, a small Parisian firm that’s famous for their handsewn gloves. Each commission will be handmade from an individualized pattern based on hand tracings provided by the client. The gloves will also be made with full quirks, which are small gussets in between each finger, which allows for better movement (a rare detail as it requires the gloves to be handsewn). Clients can also request various customization options – monograms, one-piece peccary construction, rare leathers, etc. You can see the details here.
Proper Cloth, meanwhile, just started their summer sale. Being a custom shirtmaker, this means any size and style is available, but you can get select fabrics at about 35% off retail. Most of what’s in there are casual business plaids, including a few tartans and madras-inspired fabrics that would be great for autumn and summer. They also just introduced some new wrinkle resistant fabrics for travelers. You can pair them with their new hopsack sport coats, which feature a melange of light and dark yarns.
Our friends over at Chipp Neckwear now have a customization program for their necktie service. If you need something a little longer than their standard 58″ ties, they can custom make them for an additional $10. Good for guys who are a little taller, and want their ties to end at the right length (the tip of the tie should always just hit the belt-line). As usual, every tie is made in the USA from the same English and Italian fabrics used by top-end producers. Their grenadines, for example, are just $55.
It’s been an exciting week for Dapper Classics, as they’ve started to add their new fall/ winter collection. They just got in their autumn socks, for example, where you can find a new line of cashmere dress socks (Dapper Classics’ first ever, and available in five over-the-calf styles at a competitive price point). They also just added their first ever, solid-white dress socks. You can check out the new arrivals here.
Twillory has been busy moving their facilities to a bigger warehouse. So, instead of paying movers to transport their inventory, they decided to have a warehouse sale to pass some savings onto their customers. At the moment, you can pick up four shirts for $179 (with free shipping and returns). This is their best sale yet, aside from Black Friday, and you can take advantage by using the checkout code MOVINGSALE.
Finally, our thanks to American Trench. They just did a collaboration with Goodlife, where they made some natural dyed tees. The shirts are made from soft cotton jerseys and each has been hand dyed using natural materials. Their red tees, for example, are made with madder, which give them a slightly weathered look. They also have indigo tees, but in a lighter shade that makes them suitable for summer.
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