Objectively correct rankings for 2015.
1. Indigo blue–The king. Flattering on everyone. Deep heritage across many cultures. The color of blue jeans, big sky, the Pacific ocean, Robert Redford’s eyes. Name an item of clothing that doesn’t look good in indigo.
2. Olive drab–Cork Grips knows.
3. Mid gray
4. Navy blue–Two blues in the top 5. Wow. What a run.
5. Tobacco brown
6. Khaki
7. Black–Fast riser. Good for: knit ties, formal shoes, band shirts, leather jackets. Bad for: most suits, leather sportcoats.
8. White
9. Ivory–Could ivory overtake white? Maybe next year.
10. Charcoal gray–Lost a lot of ground to younger, hipper, lighter grays.
11. Bottle green–Ties and socks, primarily.
12. Pink
13. Stone
14. Turqoise
15. Gold
16. Red–Real, true red? Your sports car should be red, your clothes need not be. Maybe your selvage seam.
17. Nantucket red–had a nice few years but it’s over.
18. Orange
19. Coral
20. Purple