The Chippendales know – sometimes all you need to start a party is a black bow tie and some champagne.
If you’re headed out tonight to a fancy venue for New Year’s Eve, and you don’t have a tuxedo, try a simpler combination instead: a dark navy suit with a white French-cuff shirt, some simple cuff links, and a pair of well-polished oxford shoes. The key: instead of wearing a striped or grenadine necktie, try a black bow tie instead. It’ll prevent you from looking like you’re just wearing your work clothes, and you can finish everything off with a neatly-folded, white linen pocket square.
Granted, the combo might not look as polished as a well-tailored tuxedo, but even at black tie events these days, few people are wearing the proper rig. Dark suits, white dress shirts, and basic black oxfords are things you probably already have in your closet. All you need a simple black bow tie, which – if you don’t already have one – you can pick up at your local Brooks Brothers or Ralph Lauren for the less than the cost of a tux.
Have fun tonight.
(photo via No Man Walks Alone)