New York Times reporter Sarah Lyall yesterday live-tweeted a session of the NBA’s Rookie Transition Program, a class for new players that proves that no matter how much money you’re guaranteed, corporate America can still hold you in a room against your will and force you to wear an embroidered golf shirt for three days. Some choice pointers from an NBA fashion consultant, a GQ “executive stylist,” and others:
Every NBA gentleman should have a peacoat, a baseball jacket, a raincoat and an overcoat in his closet, apparently.
It is good to wear an expensive watch, the NBA fashion consultant says. No sunglasses indoors. No headphones. No shlumpy untailored suits.
“This is extremely important. Every one of you must have a navy suit, must have a black suit, must have a gray suit.”
When NBA gentlemen leave the house, they should throw on an expensive watch and maybe a signature fragrance, the GQ editor says.
There are many ways of dressing up a cargo pant.
If you can’t articulate how you want your clothes to look, cut a picture out of a magazine.
You can wear the navy blazer with the black pants.
Dear Adam Silver: the Put This On team stands ready to assist should you need a more coherent set of standards than this. And Jesse is pretty tall.
[Pictured: Russell Westbrook, not a rookie at all, I know.]