
Sierra Trading Post is worth checking-in on every once in a while. They’re an online discount house that mostly specializes in outdoor gear, but if you know what to look for, they also often have pretty good menswear-related deals. For example:
- Cedar shoe trees: You can find cheap cedar shoe trees for about $13/ pair at Nordstrom Rack, or get them at Sierra Trading Post for about $11/ pair with one of their coupons.
- Pantherella socks: Comfortable over-the-calf socks can be hard to find for less than $20/ pair. These Pantherellas, however, come down to $12 or so if you’re patient. Falke is also very nice, but a bit more expensive.
- Johnstons of Elgin: STP used to have some really handsome tartan scarves, which could be had for as little as $35. Those seem to be all gone, but there’s still a solid blue left that I think could be versatile. There are also some warm throws. I bought one a few years ago and really like it.
- Baselayers: I’m a big believer in wool baselayers. Even if you don’t live in an area that gets serious winters, these are useful for wearing around the house in order to keep the heating bill down. Icebreaker and Smartwool are pretty good, though stocked in limited sizes at STP. Camp Mor has more, but at higher prices. I recommend the midweights.
- Belts: A small selection of Allen Edmonds and Lands End belts can be had at great prices.
- Trickers shoes: Very nice shoes for fall, though easier to swallow once you get one of STP’s 30-40% off coupons.
- Filson: I’ve been noticing a lot of Filson stuff pop up on STP this past year. The fit on these is presumably very full, but with pretty easy returns, these are potentially worth trying out if you see something you like.
- Faribault Woolen Mills: At this price point, I assume the wool is somewhat thin. However, the price is pretty low, and I like these striped designs.
- Wusthof: Not menswear related, but STP seems to have gotten in some Wusthof knives. I’d recommend sticking to the “Classic” line and Googling around before buying. The stated discount here is somewhat inflated.
Again, the key to getting a good deal at Sierra Trading Post is to apply one of their coupons, which range anywhere from 20 to 40%. You can find them on their Facebook page, or by signing up for their DealFlyer newsletter. A new coupon is released every day.