
Style & Fashion Drawings: Heibon Punch vs Silverlake

August 31, 2016

Style & Fashion Drawings: Heibon Punch Vs Silverlake

I’ve been re-reading Ametora, trying to imitate the illustration styles of some of the artists important to Ivy history. I…

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Interview with W. David Marx, Author of <i>Ametora: How Japan Saved American Style</i>

January 18, 2016

Interview With W. David Marx, Author Of Ametora: How Japan Saved American Style

Whether you’re into prep, denim, or streetwear, W. David Marx’s new book Ametora will have something to say about why…

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Summer in Japan

August 5, 2015

Summer In Japan

Some great photos from W. David Marx, showing how some men dressed in Japan shortly before and during the war….

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Coordination guide from men’s tailoring magazine Danshi Senka

August 5, 2015

Coordination Guide From Men’s Tailoring Magazine Danshi Senka

Coordination guide from men’s tailoring magazine Danshi Senka (男子専科) in the early 1950s.  (via W. David Marx)

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