April 10, 2014
Why Are My Sneakers Fuzzy?
Following yesterday’s post on sneakers, I thought I’d share this great find by GazEtc. If you look at the bottom…
April 9, 2014
Cheap Shoes That Age Well
Although I wouldn’t call it a “rule” for myself, when I can, I try to buy things that I think…
July 8, 2013
Five Sneakers For Summer
As much as I like leather hard-bottom shoes, summer is really a great time for sneakers. They go well with…
April 7, 2013
Q & Answer: What Shoes Should I Bring On Vacation?
Ben writes: This May, my wife and I are honeymooning in Europe for two weeks. I know that I will…
May 30, 2012
Casual Summer Footwear
Like most men of my generation, I rarely wear more “formal” clothes such as dark wool suits and black oxford…
April 14, 2012
The German Army Trainer – GATs – A Sneaker Icon
It can be maddeningly difficult to find a simple pair of sneakers. If you’re comfortable with something that’s heavily branded,…
April 26, 2011
The Five Days Of Summer Series, Part II: Plimsolls
Let’s be honest – nothing beats the comfort of sneakers. That comfort comes in handy when you’re taking long strolls…
February 15, 2011
These Are The Summer Shoes You Need
dieworkwear: cbenjamin: I feel like this sneaker has been under the blog radar for a minute and is a total…
May 28, 2010
It’s On Sale
Jack Purcells in “Concord White” All of Martin + Osa’s remaining stock is half off this weekend. Plenty of worthwhile…
November 19, 2009
Q And Answer: What To Wear In College?
Sam writes: Having (relatively) recently graduated high school, I have decided that I have crossed the threshold into adulthood, and…