July 9, 2017
Why You Mother…
Pearls are lovely little accoutrements for necklaces and other jewelry, but the inside of an oyster has a few more…
April 16, 2017
Brighten Up
Smell that? Spring is in the air. As the sunshine peeks from behind clouds and you enjoy a nice picnic…
April 3, 2017
Thoroughly Modern
Los Angeles is a city famous for its lavish lifestyles and studded denim, but one of its greatest design legacies…
October 26, 2016
An Embarassment Of Cufflinks
I recently took a trip to the United Kingdom – London, England to be specific. My goal in so doing…
April 24, 2016
If You’re Like Me, You’re Nonetheless Fascinated By Cufflinks
If you’re like me, you wear double cuffs more occasionally than daily. But if you’re like me, you’re nonetheless fascinated…
March 29, 2016
Too often when I see men wearing cufflinks, they’re half-hearted attempts at jocularity, junky department store garbage or tacky bejeweled…
July 23, 2014
The Style At The Time
The best and maybe most important show on TV in the 1990s (yes, better than Seinfeld), the Simpsons arguably should’ve…
May 28, 2013
Need Jewelry Storage? Try A Tackle Box.
Once you accept the possibility you might wear cuff links, a tie clip, a stickpin, a silk flower in your…
March 15, 2013
The Cheap Cufflink
Are you the kind of irresponsible person who always misplaces things? If you find yourself frequently in a panic to…
December 10, 2012
Champagne Taste On A Beer Budget: A Black Tie Guide
Yes, men wear jewelry, too. Our next Black Tie Guide installment looks at the precious metals used to fasten your…
November 8, 2012
It’s On Sale: Men’s Accessories
Linkson Jack, a relatively new online purveyor of high-quality men’s accessories, is having a sale from now until Sunday. Until…
October 11, 2012
Seven Things Better Bought Used
It’s sometimes easier to buy new, but there are some things that are pretty much always better bought used. Here’s…
January 22, 2012
Emergency Travel Supplies: Cuff Links And Collar Stays
I’m not the kind of guy who travels with a lot of crap. My dopp kit has some shaving oil,…
July 21, 2011
The First Annual Meeting Of The International Cuff Link Association
The First Annual Meeting of the International Cuff Link Association
January 20, 2011
Cuff Links Using Maps Of Any Two Towns In The World
Andrew emailed us about this Etsy seller. She’ll make you cuff links using maps of any two towns in the…