March 25, 2015
Q & Answer: Keeping Your EDC Stuff Organized
Mike emails to ask: Not sure this has to do much with style, but I’m looking to purchase some kind of…
September 14, 2014
Pockets Are A Must
Pockets are a must, for storing your necessaries. Knife, money, tobacco, frogs, string, marbles, bullets. Read your Twain for suggested…
August 9, 2013
Adam Savage’s (Mythbusters) Every Day Carry
I’m not an Everyday Carry fetishist, although I totally understand the eternal appeal of “gear” and the diagrammatic beauty of…
March 26, 2012
Good Work, Fader
Look: I’m not that big into the whole “Everyday Carry” thing. But if you’re gonna feature the contents of somebody’s…
April 1, 2011
My “Everyday Carry,”
Inspired by Scott and Merlin, I thought I’d share my “Everyday Carry,” or EDC. Above are the items that are…
March 31, 2011
I Need More Knives. And A Giant Fucking Watch.
merlin: EVERYDAY CARRY I need more knives. And a giant fucking watch. Merlin Mann is doing The Important Work.