August 19, 2013
The Artist/ Rebel/ Dandy: Men Of Fashion Exhibit At RISD
Within the space of a few years at the turn of the 19th century, Beau Brummell revolutionized men’s fashion, replacing…
July 28, 2013
Vintage Find Bragging From The 1960s
Pierre Cardin, a Frenchman who designs clothes, opened a small menswear shop at Bonwit Teller one evening last week. M….
July 15, 2013
Semi-open Lesbianism And Women Wearing Men’s Clothes In The World Of 1920s Blues Belters
There’s a fascinating article in Collector’s Weekly about semi-open lesbianism and women wearing men’s clothes in the world of 1920s…
July 11, 2013
75 Years Of Esquire Style
Esquire published a couple of great posts last week showcasing 75 years of their history, and thus, 75 years of…
July 4, 2013
Firework Suits
Here’s something unusual for your Fourth of July. Apparently in the early 20th century, some entertainers would get dressed in…
June 24, 2013
Savile Row, 1939
This article from England’s defunct Picture Post magazine depicts the process of ordering and making a suit at Williams, Sullivan,…
June 20, 2013
Los Angeles Electrical Workers’ Fashion Show, 1970
Los Angeles Electrical Workers’ Fashion Show, 1970 (via)
June 9, 2013
BBC: The Accountant Who Created The First Book Of Fashion
BBC: The Accountant Who Created the First Book of Fashion (Thanks, Aaron)
June 4, 2013
Ivory Tower Style On The Stuff Of Men’s Clothing
Ivory Tower Style on the Stuff of Men’s Clothing
April 17, 2013
Who Would Wear Paintings As Buttons?
Who would wear paintings as buttons? The Cooper-Hewitt has the full story of these remarkable fasteners – and it purportedly…
January 23, 2013
How Jacquard Looms Changed Weaving
How Jacquard Looms Changed Weaving (Hint: it’s punchcards.)
January 11, 2013
The Rise And Fall Of The Ivy League Look
The Rise And Fall Of The Ivy League Look One of my favorite blogs, Ivy Style, just completed a five…
December 8, 2012
WWII War Paint: How Bomber Jacket Art Emboldened Our Boys
WWII War Paint: How Bomber Jacket Art Emboldened Our Boys (Collector’s Weekly)
July 15, 2012
Savile Row’s New Tradition
Excerpted from S2E3 of Put This On: “(New) Traditions” We learn the history of London’s Savile Row, and talk about…