June 23, 2018
Getting Rid Of That Thrift Store Smell
It’s probably happened to you–browsing thrift store racks, you spy a diamond in the moth-nibbled rough. You grab it before…
August 30, 2017
Don’t Let Crayons Cramp Dad’s Style
Becoming a dad means you get used to certain changes from your pre-kid life. Rarely do you get to sleep…
February 8, 2017
The Best Knitwear Detergent
If you’ve been reading menswear blogs for a while, you probably have a bottle of Woolite Dark sitting somewhere. Ten years…
November 2, 2016
Do You Know Your Laundry Symbols?
‘Laundry symbols are an attempt to make clothing care easier, but do they? In circumventing language, do they make your…
May 15, 2015
A Simple Guide To Fabric Care Symbols
Dug this legend to the baffling pictographs on clothing care labels recently posted by TechnicallyRon, and related commentary on why…
May 11, 2015
The Best Laundry Stain Remover
America’s Test Kitchen recently tested seven top-selling laundry stain removers to see which is the best. Which came out on…
July 30, 2014
Ten Tips For Ironing Shirts
Most people hate ironing, but I admit to finding a strange pleasure in it. There’s something gratifying about passing a…
April 21, 2014
How To Handle A Baby: The Put This On Way!
Since Pete’s about to be up to his ankles in drool and spit up, I thought I’d answer a question…
February 22, 2013
A Cheap Iron
A year or two ago, I got inspired to up my ironing game. I read some iron reviews and bought…
April 16, 2012
Q And Answer: Can I Get Bedbugs From Used Clothes On EBay?
Dwight asks: What is the risk of getting bedbugs from an eBay purchase and what are the proper steps to…
October 24, 2011
Don’t Dry Clean Sweaters.
Please. Just hand wash them. Every few months, if they need it.
September 26, 2011
How To Dry Clothes Properly
An electric, heat-conducing dryer is the enemy of all clothing. Cotton fibers are supposed to have some humidity in them,…
June 21, 2011
Hanging To Dry Is Better For Your Shirts and Better For Mother Nature
Hanging to dry is better for your shirts and better for mother nature. If you have a backyard, take advantage…
May 26, 2011
Q And Answer: How To Clean A Tie
Norm writes: I recently bought a lovely cornflower blue silk tie. I first wore it about two weeks ago, but…