
Everyone Dresses Like They're in Portlandia Now

February 12, 2019

Everyone Dresses Like They’re In Portlandia Now

Portlandia is ostensibly just about Portland, Oregon, but it’s really about the kind of microcommuties that make-up (largely) white, liberal cities….

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People are wearing fleece, which is a hard fabric to be angry in

June 10, 2014

People Are Wearing Fleece, Which Is A Hard Fabric To Be Angry In

People are wearing fleece, which is a hard fabric to be angry in. Carrie Brownstein, on whether “Portlandia” is offensive…

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Clothing Terms Are Mostly Ridiculous, part 89

February 24, 2014

Clothing Terms Are Mostly Ridiculous, Part 89

By the way, do you want to know what’s square? The “pocket square.” Can you bring yourself to say that…

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