
These are Scientifically the Best Fits

January 3, 2019

These Are Scientifically The Best Fits

In his 1990 book Eminently Suitable, Bruce Boyer has this line that I love: “wearing clothes is still something of an…

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Where to Sell Your Old Clothes

September 20, 2017

Where To Sell Your Old Clothes

Not all purchases are going to be great – and even great ones don’t always get the wear they deserve….

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How to Wear Sport Coats with Jeans

August 7, 2017

How To Wear Sport Coats With Jeans

StyleForum had a good thread recently about how to wear sport coats with jeans. For some, the combination is so…

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Random Things Found in Thrifted Clothes

February 13, 2017

Random Things Found In Thrifted Clothes

If you’ve ever brought home a thrift find, you’ve probably had a fleeting hope that you’d find something special in…

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Proper Kit Trunk Show: November 5th in NYC

October 26, 2016

Proper Kit Trunk Show: November 5th In NYC

If you’re in NYC, be sure to mark your calendars for November 5th. StyleForum and AandH Magazine are holding a…

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New StyleForum Shopping Maps

September 12, 2016

New StyleForum Shopping Maps

Two kinds of questions will forever live on men’s clothing forums: “What should I wear to my wedding?” and “What stores should…

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A Nice, Tasteful Look at Pitti

June 20, 2016

A Nice, Tasteful Look At Pitti

StyleForum sent one of its members – Erik from Stockholm, who we’ve covered in our Real People series – to…

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The Monochromatic Tailored Look

February 11, 2016

The Monochromatic Tailored Look

Monochrome has been popular lately in the fashion world – partly as a reaction to the all-out dandyism that took…

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Why Street Style Is Interesting

February 4, 2016

Why Street Style Is Interesting

Street style photography–that is, capturing interesting personal styles outside of professional, controlled, and styled photoshoot environments–has had an interesting few…

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Bruce Boyer on Style, Tradition, and Semiotics

October 28, 2015

Bruce Boyer On Style, Tradition, And Semiotics

StyleForum and A&H Magazine are holding a trunk show next weekend – Saturday, November 7th, at a spot called Gary’s Loft…

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StyleForum Super Trunk Show

October 9, 2015

StyleForum Super Trunk Show

Our pals over at StyleForum are putting together a big event in New York called The Proper Kit NYC. It’s…

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StyleForum in Japan

June 14, 2015

StyleForum In Japan

StyleForum sent a few of their writers to Japan this week. Lots of articles are coming soon, but for now,…

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Real People: Another Take on Suits

March 24, 2015

Real People: Another Take On Suits

Many men, myself included, find suits appealing in part because of math. Suits’ “geometry” and “proportion” are matters of measurement and…

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StyleForum Trunk Show: November 7th and 8th

November 5, 2014

StyleForum Trunk Show: November 7th And 8th

If you’re in or around New York City, you might want to check out StyleForum’s trunk show this Friday and…

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Nick Wooster in an interview on Styleforum

September 12, 2014

Nick Wooster In An Interview On Styleforum

I’ve always said that I dress as sort of a sartorial mullet. I like it one way on the top…

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