
A 100% weasel tie

February 5, 2011

A 100% Weasel Tie

The thing is, with a 100% weasel tie, you’re going to have some issues with pilling. You want a little…

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When they can make a dimple, they may just take over the world

February 2, 2011

When They Can Make A Dimple, They May Just Take Over The World

When they can make a dimple, they may just take over the world. (Source:

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It’s On Sale - Striped Grenadine Tie

January 20, 2011

It’s On Sale – Striped Grenadine Tie

I’ve written here before about the beautiful accessories from Drake’s of London. This is one of the few situations where…

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You could certainly do a lot worse.

January 3, 2011

You Could Certainly Do A Lot Worse.

Charles emailed us this evidence that the four-in-hand isn’t the only pretty tie knot. He told us this particular half-windsor…

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Mike sent us this lovely poster he designed

December 8, 2010

Mike Sent Us This Lovely Poster He Designed

Mike sent us this lovely poster he designed, which he says was inspired by Put This On. We’re glad we…

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G. Bruce Boyer on Ancient Madder

November 29, 2010

G. Bruce Boyer On Ancient Madder

G. Bruce Boyer on Ancient Madder

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Great example of what to start with

November 22, 2010

Great Example Of What To Start With

mostexerent: I have pretty much the above & then the same in dark brown. After this, then start with rep…

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'RNA Tie Club’

November 19, 2010

‘RNA Tie Club’

Via Wikipedia (and Andy): The idea of James Watson and Russian physicist George Gamow, the RNA Tie Club was a…

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The necktie rack of RL Rugby designer Sean Crowley

October 31, 2010

The Necktie Rack Of RL Rugby Designer Sean Crowley

The necktie rack of RL Rugby designer Sean Crowley, via 13th & Wolf.

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An example of the classic English style

October 20, 2010

An Example Of The Classic English Style

oroszpeter A wonderfully architect-y shirt and tie combination from Sir Norman Foster.  An example of the classic English style –…

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The ten rules of neckties, according to E. Marinella

September 21, 2010

The Ten Rules Of Neckties, According To E. Marinella

The ten rules of neckties, according to E. Marinella

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If your bow tie isn’t crooked, you’re not tying it right

September 16, 2010

If Your Bow Tie Isn’t Crooked, You’re Not Tying It Right

A super, super nice lady on the TV show I’ve been working on lately came up to me as I…

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Some words of wisdom from A Suitable Wardrobe

September 15, 2010

Some Words Of Wisdom From A Suitable Wardrobe

Some words of wisdom from A Suitable Wardrobe on the Victoria and Prince Albert tie knots, sometimes called the double…

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Why the Four-In-Hand?

August 28, 2010

Why The Four-In-Hand?

Since we released episode three of Put This On last week, certain people have asked: “why is the four-in-hand the…

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Put This On Episode 3: Work

August 24, 2010

Put This On Episode 3: Work

iTunes / Vimeo / YouTube Clothing Credits Funding Credits Related Posts (Source:

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