Waxed Cotton
September 3, 2015
Proof: Your Choices For Rain Gear
Summer showers are soon to turn into chill autumn rains. Savor the smell of wet leaves and wool: it’s Barbour…
August 15, 2013
Creating A Waxed Cotton Swedish Army Anorak
I enjoyed seeing Reddit user Manoucher’s process in creating a waxed cotton Swedish Army anorak for himself. It cost him,…
September 20, 2012
I Love Pretty Much Everything Archival Clothing Makes
I love pretty much everything Archival Clothing makes, and this is no exception. It’s just a waxed cotton baseball cap….
October 19, 2010
How To Wax Your Own Cotton
Another how-to on how to wax your own cotton. Pretty cool, I must admit. (Thanks, Matt!)
October 7, 2010
It’s On EBay: Holland & Holland Waxed Cotton Jacket
Starts at about $110, ends Friday