Men aren’t the only folks wearing menswear. There are plenty of ladies wearing our clothes confidently and capably. Two of them are the very funny (and notably handsome) comics Cameron Esposito and Rhea Butcher. As a compliment to Cameron’s album “Same Sex Symbol,” the couple and the music label Kill Rock Stars are publishing the “Butch-Ups” calendar, featuring the pair as butch pinups.
Esposito says: “Years ago I shifted to wearing only menswear (and the occasional piece of womenswear built to look like menswear – I’ve got big boobs and sometimes I need a vest with some boob room.) Rhea’s been wearing menswear since she was a kid because she’s cooler than me. Women talk to Rhea and I after every show about my/their/Rhea’s clothes because we celebrate androgyny and butch gender expression. We knew the world needed butcher pin-ups.”
I talked Rhea into giving us a bit of a seasonal primer on menswear and butch clothes for ladies, which you’ll find here in the coming weeks. In the meantime, you can pre-order the calendar here for delivery in late October. You can also catch Rhea and Cameron on tour this fall – they’re really, really hilarious.